11/05/07 11:59pm

Ron Paul's November 5th Stats Snaphot

november 5th

This is a snapshot of November 5th donations at 11:59pm.
live tracking here

Moving Avg1 Since Oct 1 Today
Cash Collected 4 $7.08M $4M
Hourly Cashflow $20.7K/hr $8.2K/hr $166.2K/hr
Daily Cashflow $497K/day $196.4K/day $3988.7K/day
Total Donors 4 68534 38610
Donor Rate 207ppl/hr 79ppl/hr 1615ppl/hr
Donation size $100/person $103/person $103/person
November Projection $20.26M2 $11.99M $106.81M
Q4 Projection $34.91M2 $18.08M $230.46M

Daily graphs Q4 total donation graphs

Donations Collected, in $1000

Ron Paul's total donations

Donation Rate3, in $1000 per hour

Ron Paul's donation flow

Number of People Donating Per Hour

Ron Paul's donation flow

Donation Size, in $

Ron Paul's donation flow

Q4 Projections1, in $1000 000

Ron Paul's Q4 Projections

The graphs are updated every 5 minutes. Source of the graph generator here. This thing's run via cron every 10 minutes. It's a hack, but it works. Data for Q4 and Q3 available upon request. If you want a graph with more pleasant dimensions for use in a news story, just email me.

Data gathered from Ron Paul's donation feed, the same one that feeds the flash donation tracker to the left.

Contact me via email. This page bears no official relation to the Ron Paul campaign, nor is it in any financial way supported by it. I just thought I'd put up some donation graphs.